60+ Native American Horse Names

Native American horse names can not only provide inspiration for your own horse’s name but can also add a touch of culture and foster a closeness with nature that other names may not.

Native American Horse Names with Meanings

We’ve put together a list of names for Indian horses along with their meanings for you to add to your list of potential names. Grab a few of your favorites from this list. Say them out loud, and narrow down your choices.

  • Adaoette: Big or large tree
  • Alaqua: Sweet gum tree
  • Anpaytoo: Radiant
  • Gigiyago: Girl
  • Hakidonmuya: The time of waiting for the moon
  • Hialeah: Pretty prarie
  • Hinto: Blue
  • Kai: Willow tree
  • Kamali: Spirit guide
  • Kasa: Dressed in furs
  • Keezheekoni: Burning fire
  • Kitchi: Brave
  • Kokyangwuti: Spider woman at middle age
  • Lenmana: Flute girl
  • Mituna: From the Miwok tribe meaning ‘salmon in willow leaves’
  • Navajo: Willow tree
  • Neche: Friend
  • Nidami: Fairy
  • Ominotage: Beautiful voice
  • Ogin: Wild rose
  • Orenda: Magic power
  • Pati: Fish basket
  • Sanuye: Red cloud at sundown
  • Sitala: Of good memory
  • Soyala: The time of the winter solstice
  • Tablita: Tiara
  • Tadita: One who runs
  • Taipa: Spread wings
  • Takala: Corn tassel
  • Tanis: Daughter
  • Tsomah: Yellow hair
  • Viho: Chief
  • Wachiwi: Dancing girl
  • Wikapi Wakan: Holy star
  • Wikimak: Wife
  • Wuti: Woman
  • Yutu: Coyote out hunting
  • Zaltana: High mountain
  • Zyanya: Always and forever

picking out a native american horse name for your special new buddy
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Pexels.com

Unique Navajo Horse Names

The Navajo tribe is the largest Native American tribe in the United States. They have the largest reservation in the country with approximately 27,000-square-miles of reservation and more than 250,000 members as of this writing.

If you live in the West, you may even have some ancestors from this tribe. Or perhaps you just have a strong appreciation for their values. Check out these unique horse names (you may notice some of these could also be Apache horse names due to their strong relation).

  • Aditsan: Listener
  • Doba: No war
  • Nanabah: She returns
  • Nascha: Owl
  • Niyol: Wind
  • Ooljee: Moon
  • Shideezhi: Younger sister
  • Shilah: Brother
  • Yanaba: She meets the enemy
  • Yazhi: Little one

Cherokee Horse Names For Female Horses and Male Horses

Regardless of your horse breed, Cherokee horse names can be a fun option for your equine companion. These names are suitable for mares and stallions, brown horses and black horses, and everything in between. Check out these famous Native American horse names from the Cherokee tribe:

  • Adsila: Blossom
  • Agasga: Rain
  • Cocheta: Stranger
  • Evaki: Bakairi goddess
  • Galilhi: Attractive
  • Hutash: Chumash Goddess
  • Keri: Baikari God
  • Poloma: Bird spirit
  • Uktena: Horned serpent
  • Wenasa: My home

Creator God Native Horse Names

The creator gods are known to create worlds and protect life. They’re a huge part of Native American culture and can be a good name for a magical giant.

  • Ahone: The creator god of the Powhatan tribe.
  • Isha: A calm god who rescues his brother frequently.
  • Kame and Keri: Creator gods from the Bakairi tribe that made the world habitable for humans.
  • Onatah: Daughter of the Earth and corn spirit.
  • Raweno: Great ruler or great voice
  • Tamuchi: Creator god in the Carib tribe.
  • Wakanda: Creator god of the Omaha, Osage, and Ponca tribes.

Indian Horse Names for Heroes

Heroes come in all packages, and, in Native American culture, these heroes have all kinds of uses and varied personalities. Choose the name that best matches your horse’s unique traits.

  • Jamul: The Achumawi Coyote god who gets into his fair share of trouble.
  • Kipitaki: The hero from the Blackfoot tribe who is married to Napi, the Old Man.
  • Kujuri: Kujuri and Ikujuri are from the Apalai and Wayana tribes. They created the world and taught their people how to live in it.
  • Menilly: A moon goddess from the Cahuilla tribe. She taught humans how do become a civilization.
  • Raven: Can help transform people’s lives and their surroundings. Sometimes gets into trouble.
  • Shiok: A wanderer who fought a whale and returned as the great slayer of monsters.
  • Silver Fox: She helped create the world and also helped teach humans how to survive in it.

Native American Horse Names For Monster Gods

Monster gods are often significantly larger than humans. They’re often associated with being dangerous to the tribe, although you may find some that have to do with the weather.

  • Asin: The name of an ogress from the Aslea tribe who eats children, unless they had huckleberries.
  • Caddaja: The Caddo tribe knows this monster god as a snake or ogre, depending on which legend the clan believed in.
  • Chenoo: A human-eating monster from the Wabanaki tribe.
  • Culloo: A giant bird of prey that’s so large it can easily pick up a child to bring back to their nest.
  • Kolowa: Unlike many other monster gods, Kolowa is a shaggy ogre that eats humans.
  • Manetoa: Manetoa is a giant underwater snake known by the Algonquian tribe. This snake is covered in horns and armored scales and eats humans.
  • Pomola: A bird spirit in Penobscot mythology associated with the wind, cold, storms, and night.
  • Stoneclad: A monster that wears a stone suit that could only be defeated by menstruating women or magical talisman.
  • Stonecoat: Rock giants who are double the size of humans. They’re covered in rocky scales and bring winter and ice.
  • Thunderbird: A bird so large it can carry a whale in its claws. They’re known to cause the sound of thunder.
  • Uktena: This horned serpent is a monster god known by the Cherokee tribe. She was formed when a human tried to assassinate the sun.
  • Windigo: This god comes from Anishinabe mythology. This creature is known to be among the largest of the monster gods and is covered in ice.

Transformer God Horse Names

Transformer gods in Native American folklore are known to be mischievous and cause trouble. But, they also make great contributions to civilization.

  • Alsea: A wanderer in Native American language
  • Nianthaw: This is a spider spirit that comes from the Arapaho tribe.
  • Seuku: A transformer god who was a whale, but then returned to Earth to slay monsters.
  • Sibu: Created the Earth and tried to help people live a better life.
  • Wisaka: Transformer god who is a friend to humans, although he does tease them from time to time.

Native American Horse Names for Gods Who Enjoy Playing Tricks

These Native American gods enjoy playing around with humans. They’re known for their fun tricks and sometimes sneaky behavior.

  • Azeban: A god disguised as a raccoon that enjoys playing harmless tricks on people.
  • Bluejay: A god that enjoys helping people but frequently gets in trouble in Chinook culture.
  • Crazy Jack: Disguised as a human, this god is known to be foolish and lazy. He never gets into serious danger, but he comes close. He gets himself out of it with a combination of good luck and wisdom.
  • Rabbit: A silly god who always seems to be happy, but makes quite a few inappropriate mistakes. According to legend, he brought fire to Native Americans in the Southeast.

Indian Names for a Horse Based on Nature

Native Americans are well known for their intense connection to nature. Native American tribes cherish the land we live on. If you have a deep love for Mother Earth, choosing one of these famous Native American words can be a perfect fit for any horse owner’s beautiful horse.

  • Aiyana: Eternal blossom
  • Anomosa: White fawn
  • Awentia: Fawn
  • Chayton: Falcon in Sioux
  • Chapa: Beaver in Sioux
  • Chenoa: Dove
  • Dyani: Deer in Sioux
  • Elsu: Flying Falcon in Hopi
  • Elu: Beautiful
  • Etenia: Rich in Zuni
  • Hachi: Stream
  • Haiwee: Dove
  • Kele: Sparrow
  • Kimmela: Butterfly
  • Kinta: Deer
  • Kiona: Brown hills
  • Kohana: Swift in Sioux
  • Koko: Night
  • Lulu: Rabbit
  • Maka: Earth
  • Manetoa: Great Serpent
  • Nampeyo: Snake girl
  • Nez Perce: Wolf
  • Nita: Bear
  • Niyol: Wind in Navajo
  • Nokosi: Bear in Seminole
  • Nova: Chases butterfly
  • Nuna: Land
  • Odina: Mountain
  • Ojinjintka: Rose
  • Orenda: Magic Power in Iroquoian
  • Panola: Cotton
  • Sasa: Goose
  • Sinopa: Fox cub
  • Tahoma: Water’s Edge in Navajo
  • Taima: Thunder in Omaha
  • Takchawee: Doe
  • Tala: Wolf
  • Talisa: Beautiful water
  • Tama: Thunder
  • Tiwa: Onion
  • Tsula: Fox
  • Wapun: Dawn
  • Wichahpi: Star
  • Xochitl: Flower

Choosing a Good Horse Name

If you’re searching for a name for your new horse, why not look to those that reflect nature’s charm and Native American legends? We’ve got you covered with these intriguing monikers.

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