45+ Awesome Quotes About Loving Horses

If you’re in search of the perfect caption for your social media post, consider using quotes about loving horses. Quotes that express love and admiration for horses can add a special touch to your post, capturing the essence of your equine bond. These quotes not only resonate with fellow horse enthusiasts but also convey the beauty and grace of these magnificent creatures.

Funny Horse Quotes to Give You a Chuckle

Anyone who has met a special horse knows they have some super silly quirks. Their unique personalities can certainly give you a little giggle.

  • It’s pasture bedtime!
  • Hay there, good lookin’!
  • I told my horse a joke, but he just said ‘neigh’.
  • Horsepower beats car power any day!
  • Hoofing it through the week like a pro.
  • I’m not stubborn, I’m just mare-sistant!Why the long face? Oh wait, that’s just me.
  • The bartender says, “hey!” The horse replies excitedly, “you read my mind!”
  • Why did the horse wake up scared? It had a night-mare!
  • It is a lot like nut and bolts – if the rider’s nuts, the horse bolts! -Nicholas Evans
  • Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.” – W.C. Fields
  • You can lead a horse to water, but I prefer to be led to the barn.
  • I’d rather ride on a Mustang, than in one. -BaileyAnn Neal
  • Bad days…everybody has them, but when a horseback rider has them, they hurt a lot more! -Unknown
  • Grooming: The process by which the dirt on the horse is transferred to the groom. -Unknown
  • Equestrians walk a fine line between bravery and insanity… and a few of us use that line as a jump rope. -Unknown

Cute Horse Quotes That Reflect Your Horse’s Heart

There’s no arguing that, despite their intimidating size, horses are adorable. With their fluffy hair and cute expressions, they capture the hearts of many near them.

  • To understand the soul of a horse is the closest human beings can come to knowing perfection. -Author Unknown
  • When you are on a great horse, you have the best seat you will ever have. – Winston Churchill
  • When your horse follows you without being asked, when he rubs his head on yours, and when you look at him and feel a tingle down your spine…you know you are loved. -John Lyons
  • A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care. -Pat Parelli
  • Whoever said that money cannot buy happiness didn’t know where to buy a horse. -Unknown
  • Bread may feed my body, but my horse feeds my soul. -Arabian poet
  • Be wary of the horse with a sense of humor. -Pam Brown
  • Do not underestimate a horse’s pride, or he will dent yours! -Unknown
  • When I count my blessings, I count my horse twice. -Unknown
  • Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. -Unknown
girl riding black horse posting Quotes About Loving Horses on social media
Photo by Alexander Dummer on Pexels.com

Inspirational Horse Quotes to Inspire Any Equine Lover

These quotes not only inspire fellow horse enthusiasts but also convey the beauty and grace of these magnificent creatures.

  • A pony is a childhood dream. A horse is an adulthood treasure. – Rebecca Carroll
  • For one to fly, one needs only to take the reins. -Melissa James
  • A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart, and wins with his character. -Tesio
  • The history of mankind is carried on the back of a horse. -Author Unknown
  • One reason why birds and horses are happy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses.” -Dale Carnegie
  • I can make a General in five minutes, but a good horse is hard to replace” -Abraham Lincoln
  • In training horses, one trains himself. -Antoine De Pluvinet
  • Horses give us the wings we lack. -Unknown
  • Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. -John Wayne
  • Live like someone left the gate open. -Unknown

Horse Quotes About Equine Elegance

Some horses just have that special grace about them. The way they move is completely elegant. It’s like they were born to be royalty.

  • Horses make a landscape look beautiful. -Alice Walker
  • Ask me to show you poetry in motion and I will show you a horse. -Author Unknown
  • When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. – William Shakespeare
  • A canter is a cure for every evil. -Benjamin Disraeli
  • There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse. -John Lubbock

Horse Riding Quotes

As horse lovers, we know there’s something magical about being on the saddle. There’s nothing quite like going for a walk with our horse, whether it’s through the field next door or along the trail down the street. We have compiled a list of horse quotes to show off this love for horse riding:

  • There are only two emotions that belong in the saddle; one is a sense of humor and the other is patience. -John Lyons
  • Riding a shire is like moving a sofa! -Unknown
  • When riding a horse we leave our fear, troubles, and sadness behind on the ground. -Juli Carlson
  • Every time you ride, you are either teaching or un-teaching your horse. -Gordon Wright
  • There is nothing like a rattling ride for curing melancholy! -Pared
  • Horseback riding is the only sport where your equipment can decide not to cooperate with you. Feeling down? Saddle up! -Unknown

Enjoy the Horse Quotes

We hope you enjoyed the horse quotes! If you have any you’d like to add to this post, share them below! We’d love to hear from you!

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